Sunday 30 June 2013


We had an opportunity to take a trip down to Pondy with a woman who works at the Croc Bank on Thursday.  In the morning we jumped aboard an auto that took us to Mamallapuram and then took a bus the rest of the way.  It was about a 2 hour journey in the rattliest of buses with all windows and doors wide open  (air conditioning) and standing jam-packed for a fair bit of it too.  A true Indian experience…

Our friend got off the bus a few stops before us and we carried on into town.  From the bus station we got an auto to the French Quarter and immediately sought out a cafe that had great reviews on Tripadvisor.  The reviews were bang on - the food was great, the service great and the milkshakes divine!

Once we had eaten enough to sink a small ship, we took a wander around a few streets and then along the beach.  It was so hot, we didn't feel up to going far, but it was so nice being out exploring a bit of wider India.

It's much slower and friendlier then the Chennai areas I have been into.  Less traffic - in fact virtually none in most streets!  Bliss!  But it's ok as the bus driver on the way home made sure he made up for the quiet of Pondicherry by blurping his extremely loud horn every 2 minutes for the first hour of the journey…  And the horn was in the engine which just happened to be next to my seat - 2nd row from the front.  My head was ready to explode!

We were out and about for around 3.5 hours then went to meet our friend at the bus station to get home again.  It was exhausting, but incredibly exciting to get out and do something other then taxi's to the Dr and return.

Friday 28 June 2013

Saturday 30 March 2013

Jaws III

This is Jaws III.  He lives at Madras Croc Bank Trust in Chennai, India.

He's quite the star, being one of the biggest crocs in captivity in the world - about 5.2 metres.

Jaws III just before feeding time


Wednesday 27 March 2013

Quick update

I am currently in Chennai, India volunteering on a croc conservation place so will be blogging on my personal blog while there.

My blog is here.

Sunday 15 January 2012

Child dies after alligator attack -

15 January 2012

A seven year old boy died today after being attacked by an alligator in Corrientes province. 
The incident took place as the child and his elder brother walked along a stream near Colonia Progreso area.
Corrientes province Police sources said that the two boys, whose surname is Cuevas, played along Santa LucĂ­a stream, 300 hundred metres away from their home.The water in the stream is dark and full of water hyacinths, thus making visibility harder.
A lurking alligator attacked the child as his brother ran home to ask for help. The 7 year old received critical injuries in his neck and died before medical services could arrive.

Alligator hunter finds unexpected TV fame with 'Swamp People' -

15 January 2012
There are folks who, no matter how hard they try in life, can't seem to get a break. Then there are those such as Troy Landry who, without asking, just fall into good fortune.

For four decades, Landry churned out a meager existence in the hot Louisiana sun, catching crawfish and alligators. Then came that pesky call from the History Channel a few years ago.
Landry, the lovable alligator hunter with the syrup-thick Cajun accent on the hit TV show "Swamp People," was in Dallas County near Selma, deer hunting with his son Jacob this past week. Over a full plate of fried and boiled shrimp from Alabama's Gulf, Landry recounted his incredible rise to stardom.
Being a household name and having merchandise with his name, face and his everyday sayings in almost every major retail outlet in America is more than he ever could have imagined, he says. It just kind of happened.
The 50-year-old Landry said he got a call from a game warden several years back, telling him he had given Landry's phone number to some outfit in New York. That group was considering doing a TV documentary on alligator hunting in Louisiana. Landry called the producers out of courtesy to his friend.
The producers said they wanted to follow him around for an entire season of catching alligators. Landry told them no way. The alligator season in Louisiana is just one month long and he was way too busy during that month to fool with them, he said. He eventually caved in and agreed on two days.
The group followed him around, shot its footage and returned home. Landry figured that was probably the end of that.
Many Yankees tend to find parts of Southern lifestyles incredulous. The producers of the documentary showed the terrifying footage around and everyone agreed it would be better suited for a weekly series than a documentary.
"They called back and said they wanted to come see me," Landry said. "They told me they wanted to follow me around for a whole season and make a weekly show out of it. They said they'd pay all my expenses and pay my help. I still wasn't interested. I couldn't imagine anybody but a few hunters and maybe a few fishermen being interested in a show like that."
It was about that time that the bottom fell out of the Asian stock market, Landry said. While most of the alligator meat was sold in the U.S., most of the hides were sold in Asia where they were used in fashion. The price of hides fell from $45 each to $12.
Landry's wife, Bernita, told him the offer from the TV producers might be heaven-sent. If nothing else, they would pay his expenses in these tough times. Landry agreed.
The History Channel filmed the first season in 2009 and the show debuted in August 2010. The premiere drew 3.1 million viewers. Word of the TV show with the crazy Cajun alligator wranglers spread across America. It didn't hurt that the likes of Regis and Kelly, who are big fans, talked about "Swamp People" on their show, which attracted an audience no one really expected.
It didn't take long before Landry's popular phrase "Choot 'em" (shoot him) had become one of those phrases like "Git-R-Done" and "Where's the beef?" that caught on in the U.S.
Landry trademarked the phrase along with others. A clothing company bought the rights to his image and his trademarked sayings. Hats and T-shirts bearing Landry's likeness and sayings are sold by retail outlets across the U.S. including Academy in Birmingham.
"I don't do nothing," Landry said. "They just send me money. The History Channel don't get none of dat."
The final episode of season two recently aired and it drew 5.5 million viewers. It was the No. 1 show on cable TV that night and the No. 2 show in all of television. Season three was filmed in September and will debut in February.
Landry says he knows it will all eventually come to an end, but meanwhile he's dealing with his new-found fame. People somehow find his new home in Pierre Part, La., he said, and knock on his door from daylight to dark. He was recently chosen Louisiana's Man of the Year and he says he can't possibly make all the personal appearances he is being asked to attend.
"It's pretty overwhelming," he said. "That's why I love getting off with my son and going hunting with all these kids. I enjoy dat."

Saturday 14 January 2012

Strong words from the ignorant...

I found this comment on a story from a Maldivian online news site. Somehow I don't think being Muslim has anything to do with his preferences.
We, as humans, should not have to tolerate Markaz!

Markaz on Mon, 17th Jan 2011 5:26 PM 
"Crocodiles are disgusting and vile creatures. We, as Muslims, should not have to tolerate them."