Monday 23 June 2008

Monkey walks crocodile

Max Magnus Norman (b.1973) makes his own path in the world of art.
Sometimes when - if - you meditate or right before you fall asleep you might have seen clear pictures or scenes flash by in front of you eyes. What you see when you look at Max Magnus Norman's art is that kind of visions. Norman paints or sculpts the images he sees before him in the same manner as a scientist; without additions or subtractions. The result is a very personal art, at the same time it is not uncommon that astonished exhibition visitors recognize details from their own dreams in the paintings.

Max Magnus Norman covers several creative fields. Besides being an acclaimed painter and sculptor he is also the creator behind the highly popular computer game Abashera, a game in which the player wanders through a convincing three dimensional world solving a multitude of clever puzzles and riddles.

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