Monday 15 August 2011

Crocodiles of the World - The Visit!

Yesterday I had the pleasure of visiting the fantastic educational brainchild of Shaun Foggett.

Crocodiles of the world is set in a tiny village just outside of Witney in Oxfordshire. He has, so far, 11 of the 23 species of crocodilians on display and over 30 crocs in all.

I was just in time to see the feeding of the Siamese crocodile. It never ceases to amaze me how quick crocodiles are and even more so when there is food to be had! A little later on the Cuban croc's were fed and they really were a different story. These ones are a lot more aggressive and even quicker then the Siamese croc. Shaun has been training them to go to a corner in order to be fed and they showed strong signs of learning this. Fascinating!

It's a great place to visit on a Sunday and I would highly recommend coming along with the kids to learn a bit about these amazing creatures.

The more people start to realise that crocodilians are creatures to be respected, the more chance they have of the endangered species surviving.

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