Wednesday 24 August 2011

Croc caught up close -

A BIG croc didn't flinch as Beaconsfield fisherman Ron McLean drifted by to photograph him sunbaking at Murray Creek.

Ron McLean snapped this photo of a crocodile sunbaking at Murray Creek on Thursday morning. He said it was on a bank about 500m upstream from the boat ramp.

24 August 2011

THIS big croc didn’t flinch as Beaconsfield fisherman Ron McLean drifted by to photograph him sunbaking at Murray Creek on Thursday – maybe because he knew he was bigger than Mr McLean’s four-metre boat.

“That’s the second time in the last month I’ve seen that same crocodile in the same spot,” Mr McLean, who is learning photography, said.

“After I saw it the last time I decided to take my camera with me in case it was there again.

“I turned off my motor and drifted up the creek so I could get a photo of it.

“That’s probably the biggest one in the creek.“It was bigger than my boat.“I saw five smaller ones further up the stream on the same day.

“In the summer you don’t normally see them but in the winter they get up (on the banks) to sun themselves.

“If you get too close they’ll go in the water but this one doesn’t.“It’s quite used to the boat traffic, I guess.

“There were a couple of tourists fishing at the boat ramp and I took them up and they took a photograph as well: they wanted to pay me!”

Mr McLean, who has been fishing at the creek, 12km south of Calen, since he was 20, said a lot of fishermen would have spotted the crocodile.

“It’s usually about 500m above the boat ramp or below the boat ramp.

“It has a couple of spots on the bank where it gets out and suns itself.

“I see crocs down there all the time and they’re all different sizes, usually from 1.5m to that size.

“This one in particular doesn’t seem to mind the boat traffic – it stays where it is.

“I treat them with respect.“I don’t get too close to them.

“I’m not like Steve Irwin or anything!”

Mr McLean said he’d seen many crocodiles in Murray Creek over the years.

“It’s not the only creek (with crocs though).

“Constant Creek has them... a lot of the estuaries around here do.”

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