26 August 2011
"EVEN with two men sat on her back, no-one is safe until her jaws are taped."
GREAT SNAP: Shaun Foggett with one of his crocodiles.
That's all we need. Another documentary about Kerry Katona.
Actually, thank goodness, this series is about something far less frightening – crocodiles – and in particular Shaun Foggett who's trying to open a zoo dedicated to them.
"I want everybody else to love them as much as I do," he said.
Good luck with that one.
Shaun had a problem. He'd sold his house and the new owners were due to get the keys in four days' time. However, with their new compound only just ready, there were still 22 crocodiles in the shed at the bottom of the garden.
"I need to get them moved, quick," he said.
True. It's OK to leave a couple of things in the shed when you move – a deckchair perhaps, or an old bike – but 22 crocodiles is going to come as a shock when the incoming householder goes to put his lawnmower in there.
Personally I'd have called Pickfords, but Shaun believed he had a foolproof plan to move the crocs himself.
"I'm going to try to get a towel over their heads," he said, "and walk in and pick them up."
It's a crocodile, mate, not a sparrow loose in the lounge.
"Covering a crocodile's eyes with a towel calms them down," he claimed.
Worth bearing in mind if ever you find one in the bath. Not that Shaun found their violent reputation particularly bothersome. "They have the potential to seriously injure you," he said, "and that gives you a buzz when you work with them."
He's one of the few people to go round the safari park in an open-top sports car.
Finding some of his collection somewhat reluctant to leave, Shaun, in scenes unlikely to be re-shown in a health and safety video, got his mates round.
It's not often, after all, you see five grown men, in a suburban shed, trying to capture a crocodile.
Similarly, when it comes to forming a plan to control the beast, it's rare in a wildlife documentary that you hear someone say: "Sean, do you want me to go back and get a broom from ours?"
Sean's wife Lisa had been particularly understanding. "At first when I met Sean I didn't really like crocodiles," she said.
"I was a bit scared of them, but as time's gone on I am starting to like them."
By the end of next week's episode I expect she'll be holding the broom.
Eventually all the crocs were removed.
"Maybe the people who are moving in would like a Jacuzzi," said Sean of the pool left behind.
Bags you dip your toe in first though.
(I also loved the moment Chris asked about going back to get the broom! Not a common question when wrestling crocs! Jenn)
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